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Q: How can psychological and biological theories be used to explain crime patterns and trends?
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What is the relationship between geological and biological evolutionary theories?

They both explain History

What is the psychosocial theory of motivation?

Physiological theories explain needs that are not a result of biological process

Explain the difference between the neoclassical theories of crime and the biological and psychological theories?

Basically Classical believes that everyone has their free will and that they are criminals and the make their choices on their own. Basically they have a choice Neoclassical says that even though individuals have free will, that their our circumstances that affect free will, such as mental illness, Social Disorganization, etc...

Identify and describe the psychological and biological theories that attempt to explain the causes of mood disorders?

Depression stems from a lack of seratonin in the brain. Seratonin is a chemical your brain creates that gives a sense of euphoria. other mood disorders are believed to be genetic.

Psychologists use theories primarily to?

Psychologists call ideas about how people thing, feel, or behave "theories" only if they are supported by good research. Generally, the purpose of psychological theories is to explain and to predict the future.

What is the major difference between sociological and psychological theories used to explain deviance?

Sociological explanations focus on factors outside the individual, and psychological explanations address conniptions within the individual.

Do biological theories successfully explain the causes of crime?

No, the causes of criminal behavior are much more complicated than can be attributed to mere biology.

Types of theory?

There are various types of theories, including scientific theories that aim to explain natural phenomena based on evidence, social theories that attempt to understand human interactions and societal structures, and psychological theories that explore thought processes and behavior. Additionally, there are also philosophical theories that seek to address questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and morality.

Eclecticism is a psychological approach that draws upon many theories to understand the person as a whole What does this statement suggest?

No one theory can completely explain every aspect of human behavior.

How is the speck case illustrative of the current debate between advocates of biological theories of crime causation and those who advocate sociological theories?

The speck case illustrates the debate between biological and sociological theories of crime causation because it involves mental health issues and criminal behavior. Advocates of biological theories might focus on Speck’s genetics or brain chemistry, while advocates of sociological theories might look at his upbringing or social environment to explain his actions. This case highlights the ongoing discussion about whether factors like biology or social influences have a greater impact on criminal behavior.

What is the formula of crime causation?

Crime causation is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors. Theories such as strain theory, social learning theory, and control theory attempt to explain the complex interplay of individual and environmental factors that contribute to criminal behavior. Overall, the causes of crime are multifaceted and can vary greatly depending on the individual and their circumstances.

Why don't theories become law?

Theories never become laws. Theories explain facts and scientific observations; laws describe the behavior of an object in nature. A scientific law explains what will happen, but it doesn't explain why. Theories explain why.