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Depending on the estimated age of the fossil, a specific isotope can be traced and measured. When a scientist knows the existing amount of the radioactive isotope, the half-life is used in the form of exponential functions to determine the amount of time the fossil must have existed outside of the body in order to lose the amount of material that has been lost over time. This can be done because scientists normally know how much of the isotope should exist in the fossil when it was first created

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Q: How can radioactive half-life be used to date fossils?
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What is the use of carbon 14?

It is used to determin the age of different organic materials, by measuring the amount of carbon-14 in a material, compared to the amount of carbon-12.

What radioactive technique is used to determine the age of fossils?

What radioactive technique is used to determine the age of fossils? The radioactive technique of radiometric dating is used to determine the age of fossils. This is a way to measure the proportions of a daughter isotope and the parent radioisotope of some element trapped inside a rock since the time the rock formed. A radioisotope is a form of an element with an unstable nucleus. Radioactive atoms decay, or lose energy and subatomic particles until they reach a more stable form. It is not possible to predict the exact instant of one atom's decay, but a predictable number of an isotope's atoms will decay over a period of time. Like the ticking of a perfect clock, the characteristic rate of decay for each isotope is constant. In other words, changes in pressure, temperature, or chemical state do not alter it. Radiometric dating doesn't work for sedimentary rock. It works for volcanic rock or ashes, which hold the most fossils. The ratio of carbon 14 to carbon 12 is used to date recent fossils that still contain some carbon. The only way to date older fossils is to determine their position relative to any volcanic rocks in the same area. This dating method has an error factor of less than 10 percent.

What is a fossil used to date surrounding rock layers called?

Index fossils.

Explain how radioactivity is used to date rock samples?

The amount of the remaining radioactive isotopes it contains.

What test do geologists use to discover the age of a fossil?

Geologists often use relative dating. When a fossil is found in a rock layer that has been dated, they know the age. If the fossil is found between two dated rock layers, they have an approximate age. If it's found above a dated layer, than it's younger, and vice versa. To date a layer of rock, radiometric dating is used. This measures the trace amount of a radioactive isotope, such as a uranium isotope or potassium isotope, which is then compared to its decay product, lead or argon, respectively, for these examples. More decay product and less of the original isotope means the layer is older, and vice versa. Index fossils can also be used. These are common fossils with a wide distribution that only existed for a short time. Then, when these are found in a rock layer, it is known that the rock layer formed when that organism existed.

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How do radioactive elements be used to date fossils?


Which isotope is used to date ancient such as fossils?

The isotope of carbon is used to date the ancient fossils. Since every living creature had organic matter and carbon is an integral part of that organic matter, it is conventional to use carbon isotope.

What radioactive carbon isotope is used in dating fossils?


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What is the use of carbon 14?

It is used to determin the age of different organic materials, by measuring the amount of carbon-14 in a material, compared to the amount of carbon-12.

How isotopes can be used to benefit humans?

Doctors can use radioactive isotopes to treat certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancer. Geologists use isotopes to date some rocks and fossils.

What property of radioactive isotopes allow them to be used to determine the age of rocks and fossils?

Their half life.

Which method dating would you use with frozen fossils?

Among many methods, carbon dating is most commonly used to date fossils. In carbon dating, scientists look at how much carbon is left in the fossil, look at the half-life period, and use that to see when it was from.

Why are radioactive materials used to date rocks rocks?

Radioactive materials decay at predictable rates

What is used to determine the age of fossils?

Carbondating is the method often used to date fossils, and that involves both the elements Carbon-12 and Carbon-14.

What is two ways scientists can date fossils found in earth?

Stratigraphy, the relative positon of fossils in a sediment bed, is a common method. Assuming the beds lie in their natural position.Dating by using radioactive decay is another method used mainly for sub-fossil material such as archaeological artifacts; or for materials of geological age.

What can be used to date fossils in rocks to give an approximate age.?

The study of strata is called stratigraphy. Stratigraphy can be used to determine an approximate age of fossils in rocks.