

How can someone lower their LDL?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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10y ago

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A very good way to lower your LDL is to watch your diet. Some diet tips include lowering the amount of saturated fat and avoiding foods with added trans-fat. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads.

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10y ago
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Q: How can someone lower their LDL?
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You want your HDL (good) to be higher and your LDL (bad) to be lower.

How can I lower my LDL naturally?

The best way is to increase soluble fiber which are found in oats, nuts and flax seeds. Increasing these fibers will help to naturally lower the the LDL.

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What foods help lower LDL cholesterol?

Diet and Exercise are the best way to naturally lower you LDL. Some foods that can help are whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods with excess fats.

Quick ways to lower ldl that can help improve health?

There are no quick ways to lower LDL, (which is your lipo protein level). Your diet has to change. You will have to eat more fruits and vegetables and foods high in fiber. Eat foods lower in saturated fats, which means less fried foods, butters, and margarine.

What is a healthy cholesterol level for everyone?

There are different types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. HDL is the good cholesterol, the higher it is, the better it is for you. LDL is the bad cholesterol, which meant the lower it is, the better for your health.

What fats help lower cholesterol?

Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, Lowers your bad cholesterol LDL

How do you lower LD levels in the blood?

There are several steps one can take to lower LDL levels in the blood. Diet and exercise are the most critical steps a person can take to encourage a decrease in LDL. Incorporate a diet that is high in fiber and low in fat and cholesterol.

How can I lower my LDL levels?

This is considered your "Bad cholesterol." By decreasing unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol your LDL will decrease. Also, consider applying a diet and daily exercise to your current lifestyle.

How does HDL vs LDL get measured?

HDL is known as cholesterol and is measured by doing tests on someone's blood. LDL is low-density liporotein and is measured using the Friedewald equation.

Cholesterol that is known as LDL is known as what?

LDL stands for "Low-Density Lipoprotein," but those words don't really mean anything to people besides doctors. All you need to know is that LDL Cholesterol is BAD CHOLESTEROL.It's HDL Cholesteral that is GOOD CHOLESTEROL. Remember: H for Healthy, L for LOWER IT. The higher your LDL Cholesterol is, the worse off you are health-wise.