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Q: How can someone travel around the world and have a displacement equal zero?
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What does it mean about your trip if your displacement is equal to the distance you travel?

It means that your trip is all in a straight line, and you never change directions while you travel, not even a little.

Is it possible to displacement to be greater than distance?

Not possible. The displacement could be equal to the distance traveled ... if the route of travel was a straight line ... or less than the distance traveled ... if the route of travel was wavy and wiggly. But you can never wind up farther from your starting point than the distance you travel.

Is It is always true that the total distance is equal to the displacement?

That's true only if the entire travel from start to finish is in a straight line.

What happens when the water around objects have a force greater than the object's weight?

The water around floating object's is a measure of that object's "Displacement". For the object to float the weight of displacement must equal the object's weight. If the water around an object is of a greater weight than an object's displacement, then the object will sink.

What does it mean about your displacement is equal to the distance you traveled?

displacement is equal to the distance you traveled when the object is moving at shortest path

Under what condition the distance and displacement are equal?

The magnitude of displacement is equal to distance traveled when motion is in a straight line.

What is displacement factor?

Displacement factor is equal to the power factor for linear loads with sinusoidal voltages and = cos (angle1 - angle2)

What conditions the distance and displacement between two points will be equal?

Answer: The magnitude of displacement is equal to distance traveled when motion is in a straight line

When does distance traveled equal the magnitude of displacement vector?

Distance traveled is equal to the magnitude of the displacement vector when the motion is in a straight line.

What is the relation between magnitude of distance and displacement?

-- Distance is a scalar quantity, whereas displacement is a vector. -- Distance is the integral of magnitude of displacement. -- Magnitude of displacement is always less than or equal to distance. -- The two quantities are equal when the motion is in a straight line.

Can displacement be equal to total distance traveled by an object?

Yes,the magnitude of both distance and displacement can be same provided the body continues to travel in a straight line and in the same direction. However you should remember that displacement is a vector quantity while distance is a scalar quantity so they both can be compared only by there magnitude.

Does displacement times velocity equal time?
