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Q: How can tetramethylammonium triiodide produce crystals?
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What is the name of the compound BiI3?

Boron Triiodide

What is the covalent compound for NI3?

This compound is nitrogen triiodide.

what happens when two minerals have different arrangements of their atoms?

The overall arrangements of the atoms produce crystals.

Why does rapid cooling of a saturated solution produce small crystals and slow cooling produce big crystals?

When the liquid evaporates quickly, the solid crystals formed don't have enough time to arrange themselves into large crystals. On the other hand, when it evaporates slowly, the solid has lots of time so large crystals form. This can be demonstrated by dripping melted was onto a cold slide and a warm slide and examining them under a microscope.

What are sedimentary rock crystals?

In general, sedimentary rock crystals would be crystals that are found in sedimentary rocks. Normally they are calcite or quartz as they are the minerals most likely to cement sediments to form sedimentary rocks. There is a group of sedimentary rocks called evaporites that include crystals of salt, gypsum, sylvite, glauberite, thenardite, mirabilite and a few others. However, there is a tremendous variety of other minerals that can produce crystals in sedimentary rocks. Geodes from Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky can have crystals of barite, millerite, sphalerite, galena, fluorite, and aragonite. In other areas of the planet crystals of azurite and malachite can be found in sedimentary rocks. There are many, many other types of crystals that have been found in sedimentary rocks.

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What is organic nitrate salt?

One example is tetramethylammonium nitrate.

What is the molar mass of tetramethylammonium iodide?

C4H12IN = 201.07 g/mol

What is the chemical formula for nitrogen triiodide?

The chemical formula of nitrogen triiodide is NI3.

What is the name of the compound with the formula Pl3?

It would be phosphorus (I) iodide. However, this is not a stable compound; under normal conditions phosphorus and iodine combine to produce phosphorus (III) iodide (which is also not stable ... it's explosive ... but is considerably more stable than phosphorus (I) iodide is). The electron configuration of the phosphorus in PI3 is [Ne]s2, while that of PI is [Ne]s2p2. The filled s subshell is at least metastable, while a filled s subshell plus a partially filled p subshell is normally not and requires considerable effort to maintain.

What is the name of the compound BiI3?

Boron Triiodide

Grinding quarts crystals down to produce sand is an example of a?

Grinding quarts crystals down to produce sand is an example of decomposition.

Make nitrogen triiodide?

Iodine crystals and concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution.3I2+4NH4OH = NI3+3NH4I+4H2OAmmonium iodide is filtered out and the precipitate on the filter paper is put in a ammonium hydroxide solution. Take out and dry before detonation.SAFTEY!!The Whole Production MUST BE DONE UNDER A FUME HOOD!! THE FUMES FROM THIS PROCESS ARE FATAL!!Do NOT GET NITROGEN TRIIODIDE ON YOUR CLOTHES IT STAINS ANYTHING IT TOUCHES.WEAR EARPLUGS WHEN DETONATING THE TRIIODIDE AND KEEP A FAIR DISTANCE! SHRAPNEL FLIES!!

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Do many crystals produce electricity when squeezed?


What do the crystals that form in slowly cooled magma produce?

A crystal is a homogeneous solid substance that has a natural geometrically regular form. The crystals that form in slowly cooled magma produce large grains.

What is the formula for nitrogen triiodide?

The chemical formula for nitrogen triiodide is NI3. It contains:1 Nitrogen atom3 Iodine atomsIn brief, nitrogen triiodide is purple in colour and extremely reactive.

What happens when you mix phosphorus triiodide and water?

Phosphorus triiodide reacts violently with water, so the reaction is exothermic. If a large amount of phosphorus triiodide is mixed, an explosion will most likely occur. If it is a small amount, then it will be similar to the reaction of potassium with water.