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Q: How can the IMA of a first- class lever be increased Decrease the length between the applied effort and the pivot. Increase the length between the applied effort and the pivot. Decrease the applied ef?
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you have it reversed. capacitance increases with decrease in distance of plates.

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Rotation and supination do not increase or decrease the angle between bones.

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Yes, magnetism is a force. Any force applied to an object will either increase or decrease the friction between that object and an adjacent surface.

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the incerase is adding and the decrease is subtracting :)

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At very low Hematocrits viscosity increases because of increased stickiness between the Red Blood Cells.

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think of yourself dude, increase or decrease?

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5,185 is a 3.70% increase over 5,000 . 5,000 is a 3.57% decrease from 5,000 .

How do you increase the graviational force between two objects?

Decrease the distance between them.

What is he percent increase between 567 and 540?

4.7619% decrease.

How this inverse relationship between pressure area is used in daily life by activity?

when we increase the area over which force is applied,the pressure decrease .similarly,a decrease in the contact area increase the pressure. activities - 1the width of straps of bags and suitcases is increased to reduse pressure while carrying them.2it is more comfortable to wear broad heels while walking on soft surfaces.3elephants and bears have broad feet to help them walk on soft surfaces without falling.

What of the changes below would increase the force of Earth's gravity on an object?

The only way to change anythings gravity is to change its' mass. (apex) Increase the mass of the object Decrease the distance of the object from Earth