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Earth's energy budget has been balanced for thousands of years. The natural greenhouse effect allows enough heat in and out of the atmosphere to keep it warm enough for life. Additional greenhouse gases, which we are now adding to the atmosphere and causing problems with the budget and the earth is warming up. This warming is causing climate change.

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Q: How can the greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases cause problems with earths energy budget?
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How can the greenhouse effect and greenhouse gases cause problems with earth's energy budget?

Earth's energy budget has been balanced for thousands of years. The natural greenhouse effect allows enough heat in and out of the atmosphere to keep it warm enough for life. Additional greenhouse gases, which we are now adding to the atmosphere and causing problems with the budget and the earth is warming up. This warming is causing climate change.

What is a natural phenomenon that maintains earths temperature range?

The greenhouse effect

Trapping of heat in the earths atmosphere by certain gases is known as the?

greenhouse effect

What absorbs energy that is radiation from earths surface?

the greenhouse effect!

Are climate and weather short term changes in earths greenhouse effect?

Weather is a short term change to the climate, but not to the greenhouse effect. Climate is a long term change to the weather (but not to the greenhouse effect).

If the present greenhouse effect trend continues into the year 2100 earths annual average temperature could?

Due to the Greenhouse Effect, Earth's temperature is continually rising. If the trend does not change, the Earth's annual temperature will continue to rise, causing significant ecological problems.

What is the trapping of heat near a planet's surface by certain gases in the planet's atmosphere?

We call it the greenhouse effect, which is natural, or the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

How is the greenhouse effect important to the earths ecosystem?

because plants grow in it i guess?

What natural warming of both earth lower atmosphere and the earths surface is the blank effect?

greenhouse effect

What is a good sentence with the word greenhouse effect in it?

The greenhouse effect is when gases get trapped inside the earths atmosphere and cannot get out so the sun heats them up and the earth gets warmer. just like a greenhouse

What is what is the earths atmosphere heated by?

The trapping of heat by the Earth's atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. During the greenhouse effect, radiation becomes entrapped which results in the heating of the Earth.

What is the name for the effect that is produced when warm air near earths surface bends light rays?

greenhouse effect