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Disease-free sperm and ova could be identified and used on wheels.

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Q: How can the knowledge of the human genome be useful for in-vitro fertilization techniques?
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The application of computer techniques to analyze the genome is called?


How can knowledge of the genome help scientists develop medicines against cancer?

i'm not sure but i think by looking at their geomes and giveing genome drugs

What is one potential benefit of genome sequencing that can be weighed against possible negative effects?

Knowledge of your genome could help you prepare for, or even prevent, some diseases.

What is the complete set genes of an individual?


What tools and techniques were used to complete the Human Genome Project?

i have the same class and i cannot find the answer ANYWHERE.

Why was human genome discovered?

Human genome project was started in 1990 and was completed in 2003.It has the sequence of all the DNA in humans. Researchers from many countries worked together on this project and the findings of this project has given us just immense knowledge of hoe our genome is organized, its different forms and understanding various diseases.

Why is genome mapping controversial?

Genome mapping itself is hardly controversial. It's the applications of genome mapping that may, depending on the way its applied, generate controversy. For instance, some people may want to use genome mapping to preselect human embryos for fertilization, thereby gaining control over the physical characteristics of their future children - while other people are repelled by the notion and argue that nature should take its course.

How can you benefit from the human genome project?

well this is as vague question as asking "how can you benefit from chemotheraphy" - if you get sick by the particular sickness, it can help you. Human genome sequence knowledge is good for gene therapies and many other things. With this knowledge, it might be possible one day to treat e.g. cystic fibrosis and plenty of other illnesses.

What do you call the entire DNA of a organism?


Why will knowledge of the human genome enable scientists to better understand proteins involved in human diseases?

DNA contains the information used to make proteins.

All of the DNA in each cell of the body is called the?

blueprint cell

Why is important for egg and sperm cells to join in fertilization?

In sexual reproduction, an organism get half of it's genes from it mother and half from the father. Without the genes from both the egg and sperm, the genome of the new organism would be incomplete.