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You could use statistics to get the average crop per plant and then estimate the number of plants per unit area (or alternately count the plants). Then when you have the area of the field you just multiply the values.

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To obtain maximum yield from a peanut field, factors such as suitable planting dates, proper soil preparation, optimal watering, appropriate fertilization, disease and pest management, and timely harvesting should be considered. Additionally, selecting high-yielding peanut varieties and implementing crop rotation can also help increase production. Consistent monitoring and adjusting cultivation practices based on the specific conditions of the field can further enhance yield.

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What is the chemical formula of peanut butter?

The chemical formula of peanut butter is complex and varies depending on the composition of the specific peanut butter product. However, the main ingredients in peanut butter are peanuts, which contain fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Why does peanut butter dissolve better with milk than water or tea?

Peanut butter is a fat-based product, and fat dissolves better in milk rather than water or tea which are primarily water-based. The fat in peanut butter can emulsify better with the proteins in milk, creating a smoother texture compared to water or tea. Additionally, the flavor of peanut butter complements the creamy taste of milk better than the taste of water or tea.

Are peanut M and Ms an element compound homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture?

Peanut M&M's are a heterogeneous mixture because they contain different components that can be visually distinguished, such as the peanut, chocolate, and candy shell.

Is a peanut butter sandwhich heterogeneous or homogeneous?

A peanut butter sandwich is considered heterogeneous because it consists of multiple layers with different ingredients such as bread, peanut butter, and sometimes jelly or other fillings. Each layer retains its own properties and can be differentiated visually.

What are 10 uses for peanutbutter?

Spread on bread or crackers for a delicious snack. Use as a dip for fruits like apples or bananas. Incorporate in smoothies or milkshakes for added flavor and protein. Top off oatmeal or yogurt for a tasty breakfast. Make peanut butter cookies or energy balls for a sweet treat. Add to sauces or dressings for a nutty flavor. Mix into stir-fries for a unique twist. Use as a base for a savory satay sauce. Combine with honey or jelly for a classic PB&J sandwich. Use as a binding agent in baking recipes like brownies or bars.

Related questions

What is another name for peanut?

goober! ** A peanut is a legume. Legume or peanut or groundnut is scientifically called "Arachis hypogaea" People in the South used to call them goober peas!

Does peanut butter cause zits?

It has been scientifically shown that peanut butter does not help get rid of pimples. To get rid of pimples, use pimple cream.

What if everything smells like peanut butter?

No peanut butter doesn't have a smell. It's scientifically proven.

Is peanut butter a dry or liquid measure?

I assume you are talking about cooking, I have measured it is both, but it is easier to get out of dry ingredient measuring cups. Scientifically speaking peanut butter is not quite a liquid or a solid so you can probably use either.

What part of a plant does cornflakes coffee tea oatmeal peanut butter aplesauce?

Cornflakes are obtained from grains of corn Coffee is obtained from coffee beans Tea comes from leaves of tea plant Oatmeal comes from the whole grain of oat Peanut butter comes from the seed kernel of ground nut and apple sauce is obtained from the fruit pulp of apple.

What does the French word arachide mean?

Arachide (fem.) is translated 'peanut' in French. The term 'arachide' is especially used when speaking of the culture, or of the oil obtained from the plant. When speaking about eating peanuts or using peanut butter, the term used is "cacahuète' (fem.)

What did George Washington discover?

Peanut Products: Peanut Butter, Peanut Oil, etc.

What are the lyrics to Peanut Butter Toast by Paul Rust?

Peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast Gonna make some peanut butter toast First you take, two slices And you put it into the toaster Gonna put it in, Gonna put it down Gonna wait, for that funky funky sound And then you wait... And then you wait... For some peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast Gonna make some peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast Pretty close to making some peanut butter toast Now I got some peanut butter Thats just one es-essential part of the peanut butter toast equation Okay okay Kinda running out, Next time I go to the store gonna get some... peanut butter Well look at that I'm all done, I'm ready to eat and have some fun with my, Peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast, huh Peanut butter toast Gonna eat my peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast, yeah Peanut butter toast, hear that Peanut butter toast Gonna eat some peanut butter toast Now I was debating When I was singing this song If in the video, I'd eat the toast Would it be too long, would it be too short But I think I'm gonna go for it This whole video is going to be me eating Peanut butter toast, crunch! Peanut butter toast, munch munch! One down One down One down One down One down *clapping* One down One down One down One down One down But Paulie why do you eat me? Is it cause I taste so good? You got that right You just answered your own question Answered your own question We're still friends We're still cool But know one thing I am gonna eat you Peanut butter toast Peanut butter toast *whispering* Peanut butter toast *humming tune while fading out*

Why is a peanut called a peanut?

Because a peanut's called a peanut. =]

George Washington Carver's accomplishments?

George Washington Carver was born into slavery and he had a mission. He wanted to replace cotton and tobacco with food products from peanuts and sweet potatoes. He obtained a college degree and found hundreds of uses for the peanut.

What does partially hydrogenated peanut butter oil do?

Some oils have unsaturated double bonds in their carbon chain; that is, these carbons aren't holding the maximum amount of hydrogen atoms they can. Hydrogenation is the process of adding hydrogen atoms to these carbons so that they are at maximum capacity, or "saturation."

What is peanut capsule?

The peanut capsule is the skin of peanut