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Q: How can the organisation plan to avoid resource shortfalls and surpluses?
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Go to It's a good resource to check any medication you may be taking or considering taking.

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To be frugal is to avoid the unnecessary spending of money, or the avoidance of the unnecessary expenditure of some other resource.

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The resource used to identify hazards on the job is risk management. Risk management allows an employee to be aware of any safety hazard in the workplace to avoid injury.

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We can conserve our land resources by planting trees, not throwing garbages anywhere, and try to avoid pollutions... My name is Ameerah

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There should be respect among the cadres

How strategic procurement adds value to the organisation?

1. By eliminating all waste in the supply chain 2. By avoiding excessive transportation 3. By eliminating excessive packaging 4. Avoid redoes 5.

Why is planning important for managers?

Managers need to plan in order for the organisation to run, their plans are needed for the future and thus to avoid risk or other conditions that might let to the downfall of the organisation. Without a plan, fail will emerge.

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The reader-writer problem is a synchronization issue that arises in concurrent programming. It involves multiple threads accessing a shared resource; readers can access the resource simultaneously without interfering with each other, while writers need exclusive access to the resource to maintain consistency. Implementing a solution involves ensuring that readers and writers coordinate access appropriately to avoid conflicts and maintain data integrity.

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The UN evolved in an international effort to find peaceful ways to mediate disputes and avoid war. It has generally turned out to be a colossally ineffective organisation and a moneymaking boondoggle for politicians

What websites are the most reliable websites when it comes to a job search?

If possible, it is recommended to avoid any sites that simply end with .com as anyone can buy these domains always look for a site with .gov (government) or .org (organisation) as they a always reliable.

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Ethical issues in marketing call for the organization to carefully examine it marketing materials to make sure there is nothing misleading. Also, the organization has to avoid unfairly or falsely representing the competition.