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Periodic Table was constructed by using electronic configuration . Elements have same outer shell electronic configuration were in same group . So they have similar chemical properties . If an unknown element will register in future , its properties are predicted with the help of its outer shell configuration.

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Q: How can the periodic table help scientist infer the properties of these elements?
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How can the periodic table help scientists infer the properties of these elements?

Periodic Table was constructed by using electronic configuration . Elements have same outer shell electronic configuration were in same group . So they have similar chemical properties . If an unknown element will register in future , its properties are predicted with the help of its outer shell configuration.

What can you infer about the elements located in the last column of the periodic table?

They all are Halozen elements.

Why can you infer about the properties of two elements in the same group?

they will cmbine

What should scientist infer?

Scientist should infer technology

What can you infer about elements that are in the same column ofthe periodic table?

The columns, groups or families have similar properties like gold and silver are in the same group. They have the same number of valence electrons so there reactivity is similar.

What can you infer about copper and silver based on their position to each other on the periodic table?

Both elements are coinage metals and they are godd conductor of electricity and heat.

How does a scientist infer?

without a nebula, no pulsar

The reader can infer from article that?

The reader can infer from the article by looking at various elements.

How do scientist investgate the world?

They Observe, Predict and Infer

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scientists can infer how closely related the organisms are in an evolutionary sense

A spectroscope is mainly used to?

A spectroscope is used to measure the colour (frequency) of an incoming signal. From this we may infer the properties and behavior of the source. This could include its rotation, its Doppler shift, its periodic variability and so on.

What can a scientist infer by looking at fossils footprints?

what type of dinosaur it is and its weight