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well if it is in a prairie the chain is different for example grass to mouse to snake to hawk, the predators and plant life changes in different regions

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Q: How can the sun and rain affect the food chain?
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What is after the sun in the food chain?

Plants are after the sun in the food chain.

What are some food chain of the rain forest?

well theres sun to plant plant to tocan tocan to lepard an theres sun to plant plant to monkey and monkey to hawk hawk to lepard and that a food chain

What is at the beginning of the food chain?

The food chain begins with the sun. The flow of energy for everything on Earth begins with the sun. Sun - Producer - Consumer - Decomposer

What goes after the sun in a food chain?

The sun energizes the producer to produce food.

What does the food chain start with?

The sun

Where does all the energy in the food chain come from?

Because when you eat you get energy and a food chain tells you which animal eats what

Food chain begins with forest?

No, food chain begins with the SUN

What is the sun called in a food chain?


What is the first thing in the food chain?

the sun

How does energy enter this food chain?

It originates from the sun and enters the food chain when plants absorb it for photosynethis.

What is the role of producers in food chain and food web?

The energy from the sun!

What is the role of producers in food chain and food webs?

The energy from the sun!