

How can the use of alcohol effect your lives?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Moderate consumption of alcohol can enhance health and happiness whereas the abuse of alcohol can reduce the quality of life and health.

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Q: How can the use of alcohol effect your lives?
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Karen Landheer has written: 'Me and my friends and our booze' -- subject(s): Physiological effect, Youth, Alcohol use, Alcohol

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Alcohol affects the entire body by preventing the absorption of nutrients from the digestive system, even if supplements are taken. This is aggravated by alcohol's diuretic effect, which tends to leach minerals and other nutrients out of the body. The common effect, with relation to the skeletal system, is osteoporosis due to lack of calcium and the vitamins necessary to use it.

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That would be alcohol consumption and tobacco use.

What does alcohol do to the CNS?

Alcohol usually has a temporarily toxic effect on the central nervous system. The effects of alcohol will usually be memory loss, slow movement and impaired judgment. Long term use of Alcohol will make these symptoms permanent.

Who is affected by alcohol?

those who consume alcohol through out day and is always under the effect of alcohol is affected by Alcoholism

Does alcohol lesson the effect of clindamycin?

Yes! Alcohol will affect any and all antibiotics making their effect less.

Alcohol effect a macaw?

You better not give a macaw alcohol!! Of course it will effect it like it effects a human being! You better not give a macaw alcohol!! Of course it will effect it like it effects a human being!

What has the author Sene Neich written?

Sene Neich has written: 'The place of alcohol in the lives of some Samoan women in Auckland' -- subject(s): Alcohol use, Samoan Women