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If you think of a car, fuel is burnt to make the car move. Chemical energy into kinetic energy. The reason the car stops when the fuel runs out is because the car is having to work against forces acting against it like friction with the road, air resistance and gravity acting on it's own mass.

The cars motion or kinetic energy is converted into kinetic energy in the particles in the air and heat due to friction.

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Q: How can total energy be conserved while energy of motion is not?
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Energy is conserved when an object gains speed while falling?

yes this true

How is enery related to motion?

While a object is in motion it poesses Kinetic Energy(the energy or motion).

Comparison between elastic and inelastic collision?

In an elastic collision, all initial kinetic energy is fully restored as final kinetic energy. where nothing is converted into noise, heat or any other form of energy. In an inelastic collision, kinetic energy is "lost" to thermal or sound energy.

When to use law of momentum to find velocity rather than law of conservation of energy?

While energy is ALWAYS conserved, this isn't always useful for calculations, since MECHANICAL ENERGY - the energy that can be easily calculated - is NOT always conserved. On the other hand, momentum is always conserved, whether a collision is elastic or inelastic. (In an elastic collision, energy is also conserved.) Thus, conservation of momentum is often more useful for calculations involving collisions.

In a nuclear reaction WHAT does not have to be conserved?

While overall ENERGY has to be conserved, MASS does not. In a nuclear reaction mass can be converted into energy so the mass of the products may be less than the mass of the reactants. The difference in mass is converted into energy as Einstein's equation describes (E=MC squared). In a chemical reaction MASS has to be conserved.

Energy in motion is kinetic energy while the position is?

potential Energy

How is energy conserved when a car slows down?

Objects use more energy when increasing in speed or starting while objects use less energy while going at a steady pace.

Why law of conservation of mass should better be called as law of conservation of mass and energy?

Because energy can be converted into mass and vice versa. Thus, while the mass of a system is not conserved in a particular process, the mass and energy of a closed system is always conserved.

What states that when one from of energy is converted to another no energy is destroyed in the process?

That's the "Conservation of Energy"; also know as the "First Law of Thermodynamics". Please note that while TOTAL energy is conserved (doesn't change), in most or all processes that occur in practice, USEFUL energy is converted into UNUSABLE energy - often heat.

What is the law of conservation of mechanical energy?

The law of energy conservation states that, in a closed system, the amount of energy never changes. It stems from the classical physics principle that, while energy can be converted from one form to another (from kinetic energy (motion) to thermal energy (heat), for example) energy can neither be created nor destroyed..Since the different forms of energy are interchangable (kinetic to heat, for example), there is no law of conservation of mechanical energy as such. But in a hypothetical system without friction, air resistance, chemical reactions, etc, mechanical energy could be conserved.

When a rubber band is streched what energy is is given elastical potentail energy.?

The elastic potential energy gained by the rubber band is the work done by you in elongating it. Positive work is done on the rubber band, so it gains energy. While work is done by you (i.e. negative work is done on you), so you lose some energy. The total energy is conserved. In simple words, the energy gained by the rubber band is the energy lost by you while elongating it.

What is the relationship between motion and energy in a roller coaster?

Upward motion on a roller coaster converts kinetic energy into potential energy. Downward motion converts potential energy into kinetic energy. Forward motion is a result of excess potential enegy converted into kinetic energy that cannot be expended while falling.