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It is the satan.

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Q: How can we avoid the enemies of prayer?
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How can we avoid those hindrances of prayer?

we can avoid it by concentrating only in prayer and nothing else, and we need to overcome our distraction in prayer

How do pandas avoid enemies?

Pandas are solitary and peaceful animals that way they avoid enemies,

Who are the enemies of prayer?

Militant athiests and anyone who prays to a different God.

How do squids avoid predators?

Squids can avoid their enemies by using an inky cloud.

How do manatees react to enemies?

They don't react to their enemies. They remain in shallow waters to avoid danger.

How do platypuses fight enemies?

Platypuses do not have enemies as such: they have predators. They are not at all well equipped to fight enemies, but avoid them by swimming and hiding in their burrows.

How do sea turtles avoid their enemies?

By shrugging themselves into their shell.

What is the meaning of Voltaire's quotation I have never made but one prayer a very short one 'O lord make my enemies ridiculous' and God granted it?

A:As a Deist, Voltaire had no need for prayer, so we can be sure he never literally said this prayer. Here, Voltaire was using irony, by saying that if the Christian God ever did anything for him, it was to make his enemies seem ridiculous.

Runescape Does a composite bow hit through prayer?

All bows have a small chance on hitting through prayer, you cant really avoid being attacked through prayer if it's pvp, it just reduces damage.

Does pandas avoid preditors?

um your question needs proper grammar but if your question is Do pandas avoid predators?, the answer is, yeah sure because what idiot wouldn't avoid their enemies.-brett d.

What are tiger shark enemies?

The tiger shark has few natural enemies except man. He may be cautious of a white shark, but normally large predators avoid confrontation.

What does the Bible teach about prayer against enemies?

New testament does not teach to pray against enemies but teaches to pray for them. Eg: Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,