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Q: How can we cause the ions in a solution to move towards a specific direction?
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Would way will an unbalanced force move?

The unbalanced force on an object will cause a change in direction towards the lesser force

What is the building for the Islam?

I believe your talking about the Kaab'a in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Islam does not have a specific building but rather we face towards a building the kaab'a. The kaab'a is also known as Qibla which means direction. The Qibla is simply a direction the Muslims face towards when delivering there 5 daily prayers. If we did not have a specific place to face, there would be disagreements between people and possibly cause conflict. Muslims also belive Masjid Al Nabwi (The prophet Muhamed's P.b.u.h's Mosque) and Masjid Al Aqsa (mosque in Israel)

Why dipole have a direction from negative charge to positive charge?

Cause oppsite side placed towards each other ateact because the lack of force

What five things indicate prepositions?

Relationship or position in space: Prepositions are used to show the relationship or position of one object to another. Examples include "on," "in," "at," "under," and "beside." Time: Prepositions are used to indicate time, such as "during," "before," "after," and "since." Direction: Prepositions indicate direction, like "towards," "into," "out of," and "through." Cause or reason: Prepositions can indicate cause or reason, such as "because of," "due to," "for," and "with." Possession: Prepositions indicate possession, like "of," "to," and "from."

What is the meaning of the proverb united we stand divided we fall?

If a group working towards a common goal or cause works together, that goal or cause is most likely to succeed. A cause or goal is likely to fail if individuals act on their own without direction or purpose.

Does change in direction cause acceleration?

Not necessarily. Changing direction does affect the velocity, which is acceleration and direction combined.

Does isotonic soultion cause a cell to shrink?

No. An isotonic solution would not cause a cell to shrink, because the concentration of water in the solution and inside the cell is the same. A hypertonic solution would cause a cell to shrink.

What is a solution for muscular weakness?

Any viable solution to a problem must address its cause. In other words, to come up with a solution for muscle weakness you have to know what is the cause of the weakness.

What is an force that can cause an object to change its speed and direction.?

A basic physics answer for this is that a net force (or unbalanced force) will cause an object to accelerate, that is, cause the object to change its speed and/or direction.

A longitudinal waves cause its medium to move in what direction?

Parallel to the direction the wave travels.

What do to forces in the same direction cause?


Force can cause an object to change its speed and or direction?

yes, because force is a push or pull, so an example would be that wind (the force) pushed the bike faster toward a building and steered the bike around the building, which causes the bike to change direction. This is an example of velocity too. Velocity is speed in a specific direction.