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Q: How can we prove that All matter occupy space?
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Is all forms of matter don't have mass and occupy space?

No, all forms of matter do have mass and occupy space.

Does liquid ocoppy space?

Yes, liquid does occupy space. All matter (liquids, solids, gas, etc) occupy space.

Does all matter have mass and occupy space?

true...i think

What two things characterize all matter?

All matter 1) has mass and 2) occupies space (has volume).

How matter described?

All those things which occupy the space and have the mass are matter, but we also can say that , all those things which may be observed by our five sences are matter.

What does air occupy?

Like all other forms of matter, air exists in space and time. It occupies the space-time continuum.

Do solid occupy space?

Yes, a solid, liquid, gas as well as the other states of matter all occupies space. 2. But the space occupied by gases and liquids is not necessarily of fixed dimensions.

How is matter described?

All those things which occupy the space and have the mass are matter, but we also can say that , all those things which may be observed by our five sences are matter.

Does higgs boson occupy any space?

The Higgs boson, is well, a boson. All bosons follow Bose-Einstein statistics and are therefore CAN occupy the same quantum state (as opposed to fermions, i.e. matter, which cannot.) So basically, no. The Higgs boson does not occupy any space.

Do i exist at all?

We are aware of your presence. You do since no other matter can occupy the same space but will you make it count for something is the true question

Do all materials occupy space?

all of them except your brain.

Which shape of matter has neither a definite shape nor definite volume?

The gas is the state of matter which do not have definite volume because it occupy all the space which is provided to it and the shape of container in which it is kept.