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Q: How can we tell that many of the galaxies that we see in the Hubble deep field are young?
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How big is the Hubble deep field galaxies?

1 inch

How old is the Hubble deep field galaxies?

it is 1 mile long

What does the Hubble telescope deep field image show?

Galaxies. Billions OF billions of galaxies. To quote Isaac Asimov; "The Stars, Like Dust..."

When was Hubble Deep Field created?

Hubble Deep Field was created in 1995.

How many galaxies are in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field?

There are at least 3000 galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field North (with billions of stars, planets, and moons in each one; as well as asteroids and nebulae). Their light has taken 13 billion years to reach Earth.

When was Hubble Ultra-Deep Field created?

Hubble Ultra-Deep Field was created in 2004.

When was Hubble Deep Field South created?

Hubble Deep Field South was created in 1998.

How far is the hubble deep field galaxies from the earth?

The Hubble Ultra Deep Field is a million second exposure into an area of the universe revealing numerous galaxies as far away as 13.7 billion light-years. By our reckoning, it is within a few hundred million years of the origins of the universe. But since the light took that long to get here, we have very little idea where the galaxies actually are right now in time.

Is the hubble telescope still in operations today in 2007?

Yes, and better than ever. Google "Hubble Ultra Deep Field" for some of the most amazing pictures you will ever see. Thousands upon thousands of galaxies.

How many years will the Hubble Space Telescope observe over the entire sky of 100 billion galaxies since the Hubble Ultra Deep Field is roughly one ten-millionth of the sky?

It would take at least 1,000,000 years for the Hubble Space Telescope to observe over the entire sky of 100 billion galaxies in the universe.

What is the name of the large spiral galaxy found in the bottom right of the Hubble Deep Field?

The point of the Hubble Deep Field observations is that scientists pointed the Hubble Space Telescope toward a dark patch of the sky where there were no known stars or galaxies. Everything observed in those photos had been entirely unknown before the images were obtained. So, nothing there has a "name"; by now, it probably has an index number in some database. But not a "name".

How big is the deep field galaxies?

it never stops