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We use the term "vestigial organs" for structures that may have had a purpose at one point in our evolutionary development but no longer seem to suit any purpose.

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Q: How can you account for the presence of such useless organs in the human body as the appendix and the coccyx?
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Related questions

What are vestigial structures found in humans?

The "Coccyx" or "Tail bone," as a common name.

What is an example of a vestigial in a human?

The appendix in the digestive system.*Tail Bones (coccyx) *Appendix *Little Toe *Wisdom Teeth *Muscles that move ears *Muscles that make hair stand up *Tonsils

What is an example of a vestigial structure in humans?

The appendix in the digestive system.*Tail Bones (coccyx) *Appendix *Little Toe *Wisdom Teeth *Muscles that move ears *Muscles that make hair stand up *Tonsils

A list of vestigial structures?

The appendix, coccyx, Muscles that move ears, muscles that make hair stand up, little toe, and wisdom teeth.

What is weakest part of the spine?

I say it is the coccyx bacause it's so small and it's useless

Give any two examples of vestigial organs in humans?

1) appendix. 2) coccyx. ( tailbone ) 3) muscles that move your ears. 4) muscles that make your hair stand up. 5) little toe. 6) wisdom teeth.

Do you sit on your coccyx?

no you cannot sit on your coccyx

Do girls have a coccyx?

All humans have a coccyx.

What is the scientific name for the tailbone?


The digestive organ that has no function?

Whether these organs were at one point in history useful or not is a common debate among scientists, but nowadays, people really do not feel that they need this organs at all. These are some of these "useless organs": tonsils, the coccyx (tailbone), wisdom teeth, appendix, male nipples, erector pili (which make body hair "stand up"), adenoids (similar to tonsils), sinuses, body hair (since sweat took over its job of keeping body temperature up), and the third eyelid (visibly present in animals like chickens and lizards).

What type of structure is the human tailbone?

The 'scientific' name for the tail bone is the coccyx.

What is the scientific word for the tailbone?

That would be the Coxyx - pronounced 'cocksix'