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well im a 7th grade girl, but if you really like a girl, flirt with her to see if she likes you back. when your ready to ask her out, do not have someone ask her out for you. that will make her automatically say no, and she will think you dont have the guts and your not brave enough. ask her in person. it might be harder, but it will make her like you a lot more. ask her when you see her alone and not with her friends. they would try to change her answer. you want her to answer truthfully.

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Q: How can you ask a girl out if you are in 6th grade and so is she?
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the best way to do it is just to go up to her and ask her, but of she turns you down don't worry you're only in 6th grade go for it, you wont remember it when you're older and dance with her ask her to sit with you at lunch and tell her you like her

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lol i rememeber 6th grade dating drama.. well the girl wil have most likely told her friends so keep and eye on them. they'll probably try to tell you if she likes you

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im a fourth grade girl so i should know i think if someone told me they had a crush on me at the end of the week then on monday asked to go out with me

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I am in the 6th grade so trust me you should get your friends to do it its way more easier and fun because you can chase your friends afterwards saying " what did u do that 4" and so on i should know some guys do not like it when you do not ask them out yourself. Just be yourself

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How do you find a girlfriend in the 6th grade?

Right, I'm English, so 6th grade means nothing to me, but I'm 12, OK? If you want to get a girlfriend you should just go up to a girl and say hi. Ask her her name (if you don't already know) and just make small talk. Girls would love it if you touched their arm and girls my age love a guy that can make them laugh. So be funny. And flirt!

How can you ask a 6th grade girl out?

don't be shy cuz if she is worth asking u don't have 2 b shy. u could call her and say u 4gott the assignment that u got and then start 2 talking about the weekend and ask her if she has any plans. if she says no then ask her she wants to do any thing 2gether. if she rejects u say k then and move on.P.S. i am in 6th grade so trust me on this- Lauren