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By performing a permanent hygienic procedure. An absorbent paper is useful to dry the external parts of your genitals right after peeing. The use of an antiseptic product found in drugstores is very important, too. If necessary you can dilute it and apply with a piece of cotton.

Such procedures must be practiced on a daily basis.

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Q: How can you avoid infection in the external part of your reproduction system?
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How do you avoid infection of external parts of your reproductive system?

There are a number of ways to prevent infection in the genital area, mainly by practising good hygiene: After a bowel movement, always wipe from front to back, this helps prevent the spread of bacteria from the rectum to the genitals. Keep the area clean with plain unscented soap and water - avoid perfumed toiletries as these can cause more irritation Wearing cotton underwear helps absorb moisture and keeps the area dry (bacteria love moist conditions!) Wash and dry the area well before and after sex Always use a condom during sex

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