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-Be kind to everyone. (without being fake about it)

true ^^^

-Stand up for kids who are your friends when you see something wrong going on.

That's bull ^^^ NEVER do that. That will make people hate you so just don't get involved.

-Wear "cool" clothes.

^^^But don't look like a wannabe-cool-person. make your style unique, but not too similar to any other people. Be original, but have a cool type of style.

Fashion magazines always help. See what trends are in style and pick up a couple of items in different colors. Then, mix and match them however you want. People will start to notice your style and strike ip convo...usually by asking where you bought your hat, bracelets, etc. Next thing you know, you find out that you shop at the same places and you're at the mall together the next weekend.

-Try joining a club or sport.

^^^But not something lame that no one will join

If you join a club or sports team, you'll be surrounded by people with th same interestss which should make socializing easy. Go crazy with the clubs....Don't just join one...join 12!

-Try to be cool.

^^^False. Just be yourself. Trying to be cool makes you look bad

-Hang around other popular kids.

^^^NOT JUST the popular kids. hang with whoever you want but still stay close to the popular group (but not too close!). then, you will be well known and people will like you and want to get to know you. Just be very social.

Everyday, say something nice to at least 2 new people. Trust me...They'll remember you and leave the door open for conversation again.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Middle school is the easiest time to be popular. Your school isn't that big, no one can drive, everyone is depending on their parents. What I would suggest is a different hairstyle. Something completely different. This will make people notice you (hopefully in a good way) and you'll also feel good about yourself since you'll be receiving compliments.

Another thing is to add a brand name top or a pair of brand name jeans to your wardrobe if you haven't already. I'm not saying you have to be in head to toe Abercrombie, but a pair of jeans wouldn't kill you.

If you're a shy person, try to talk to a new person everyday. You don't have to have a 10 minute conversation, but just say hi to a new person once a week. Then do it twice a week and so on. Pretty soon people will think you're really friendly and want to get to know you.....................

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13y ago

By being yourself. If you have self confidence, are smart, and a nice person, it should be a snap.

* Being popular may seem like all that matters in middle school, but keep in mind, when you're an adult, will it really matter? Think about it.*

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14y ago

talk to other people who are "popular" on myspace, facebook, chat rooms, at school, if you see them around town, and do extra activities in school. DONT let being popular make you mean to other people-no matter what. if you do, you will wind up being hated. (i would hate you to, even though i dont even know you. i cant stand people who think they're better than other people and who talk down to people who aren't "popular".) so, please be a nice popular person. they always turn out to be the most popular people anyway. also, NEVER talk behind anyone's back. dont gossip. dont be too loud-only talk when other people talk to you and always answer questions in an interesting way and talk about interesting things. treat yourself like hot stuff. walk around like you're the most beautiful person around and you will be. o, and also, wear cool clothes-Ballet flats, converse sneakers, t-shirts, skinnny jeans with bright colors, a cool bag, eyeliner and pale lips, 9or if ur brave bright pink lips), large brightly colored jewelry like bangles and huge earings-dont wear many necklaces, dont go out with a boy taht will break up with you in a day or two cuz that's embarassing and heart-wrenching, dont give up doing well in class-try, but dont obsess over it, and act calm. that's very important. dont act nervous EVER.

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12y ago

It seems that the popular people in my middle school are the girls that wear the skimpiest clothing they can find and the guys that swear five times in every sentence... but in my opinion, you should just be yourself! I can guerantee that people will like you, without you having to change yourself.

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14y ago

act yourself and hang around more people.

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