


Secondary Education

Secondary education is the stage of education that comes after elementary education. It is often the last stage of compulsory education.

2,136 Questions

What is 49.9 million?

It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.

It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.

It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.

It is a number. A counting number, an integer, a rational number, a real number, etc.

How do you solve 2x plus 1 equals 3y and 4 equals 3y-10 by elimination?

1) 2x + 1 = 3y

2) 4 = 3y - 10 this can be re-written as 3y = 4 + 10

Therefore 2x + 1 = 4 + 10

2x = 13

x = 6.5

Sustitute x = 6.5 in equation 1) above

2x + 1 = 3y

2 (6.5) + 1 = 3y

therefore 3y = 13 +1

3y = 14

y = 14/3

Now substitute y = 14/3 in equation 2) above and watch what happens!

4 = 3(14/3) -10

4 = 4

Therefore the answer is correct!

What is -3x-7 plus x-9 simpifed?

The expression reads as this:


Combine like terms.



If you would like to factor the expression, you can take out the coefficient -2, giving you


How do you figure out the mean in maths?

Add the numbers together and divide by the amount of numbers there are

What will be the next 3 numbers of 50 52 56 and 62?

It is 70.

You keep adding even numbers (in the usual order) to the number.

For example, 50+2=52. The next even number is 4 and so, 52+4=56. Similarly, 56+6=62. The next even number is 8 and therefore, 62+8=70 and that's you answer.

Is isosceles triangle also an equilateral triangle?

An equilateral triangle has all sides measuring the same and an isosceles triangle has 2 sides congruent, so they are not the same.

Every equilateral triangle is also an isosceles triangle, but not every isosceles triangle is an equilateral triangle.

Isosceles = at least two equal sides

Equilateral = three equal sides

X x is a real number such that x² equals 4?

it is because the X means times and the other x means a mystery number.

example 2 X x = 78

the answer can be anything unless you really study the number until u find out what number it is it helps if u do this:


2 2

x this x is 8 because the opposite one is 8

but this only helps if u r learning about shapes

What does the identifacation property of addtion mean?

it means that you don't have to figure out what the answer is it is right there in front of face you welcome !!

Is 8100 a squared number?

The root of 8100 is 90, so yes it is a squared number.

Do colleges look at your middle school grades?

Oh, what a wonderful question! Colleges typically focus on your high school grades and activities when considering your application. Middle school grades usually aren't a major factor, but it's always important to do your best and build good study habits early on to help you succeed in high school and beyond. Just keep painting those happy little grades, and remember, every little bit of effort adds up to create a beautiful masterpiece of your academic journey.