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Yes you can be saved by asking Jesus into your heart. As Jesus is always waiting for you to do it.

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Q: How can you be saved by just asking Jesus into your heart?
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How much of the New Testament do we really need to be saved and has this been condensed as in the red letter versions of the Bible showing Jesus' words?

You don't need to read the bible to be saved, you don't need to read it at all. Jesus just says that it is good for us, fruit for the soul. To be saved all you need to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe with your heart that he died and rose from the dead. That's it your saved. It's then your choice if you want to please Jesus by going to church and reading the bible. Just as long as you have confessed and believe, your saved and Jesus is happy and loves you just the same.

How do you know if you are saved by God?

Do you have faith in Him? Do you love Him with all your heart? Do you believe that He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for you? Do you believe that Jesus rose again? These are just some of the key points but if you answered yes to these questions then CONGRAGULATIONS!! you are saved!! :)

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you do. if you believe in your heart that Jesus is your Savivor, and you ask for forgiveness, and you want him in your heart, you are a Christian. Now this isn't a "checklist" of things you are being forced to do. That's just how you become a Christian. Beleif, and asking for forgivness.

Will Jesus always be with you?

YES. It says in the Bible that once you are saved and have asked him into your heart that he wil NEVER leave you nor forsake you.... if u need 2tlk bout it more just email me :)

How does a lost person find Jesus Christ?

they havve to believe in their heart that jesus died for their sins and rose again and just ask him into their heart

How do you lead someone to the Lord?

First, you start by praying and asking God for wisdom and strength and pray that he will give you the words to say. You just ask the person if they have ever accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. If not try using the verses from the Romans Road (see link below) or sometimes its more effective to just give them your own personal testimony. If the person is willing to accept Christ then just have them pray a prayer from their heart asking Jesus for forgiveness and asking for salvation.

Is God just another one of those bible thumpin Jesus freaks?

Let God into your heart. God gives us salvation through Christ. John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Romans 10:9-10 If you declare with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you profess tour faith and are saved.

How many salvations have there been in the history of the church?

If you are asking how many people have been saved in the church age, this is an impossible question as no one but God knows this answer. If you are asking how many different types of salvation there has been in the church age the answer is just one. Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ and this is the only way a person can be saved (Ephesians 2:8-9), "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast".

How do you go about bringing people to Christ?

my youth pastor says just do extremely nice things for them and when they ask why are you being so nice, just tell them because you have jesus in your heart, then just start asking them questions but dont drill them. if they reject you they are rejecting jesus. anyway the bible says we are to plant the seed, meaning tell about jesus. and by doing this, you are plating the seed it is up to them to make t grow

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I'm fining out that it is! Don't do it.. Follow Jesus, I was huge into zodiac before I was saved. Just one of the many things Jesus Christ has redeemed me of...

Is there a cure for a heart attack?

No, you can only recover from it. Its not a cure, just the doctor or nurses' hard work that saved you.

What is meant by jesus giving his whole life to save us?

It means, in my opinion, that you do not have to do anything personally yourself, Jesus has done the hard work with his death - just believe - and you have a first class ticket to join in the banquet in Paradise on the Day of Resurrection.If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved [Romans 10:9]