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Q: How can you blow fire out of your mouth?
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Can anaconda blow fire from its mouth?

no it can' can only swallow animals

How do you blow fire in spore creatures DS?

You put on a fire breathing mouth and press the flame in the corner

Why fire burns when you blow?

if you mean blowing air from your mouth into an open flame then you are adding oxygen to the fire making it bigger and/or hotter :)

How do you blow on your thumb to pass out?

You stick your thumb into your mouth, shut your mouth and try to blow, but actually don't blow out the air, just pretend you're blowing.

Can any person eat fire?

No. Fire 'eating' is a myth. If you watch the person closely, you'll see they actually blow the fire out as they place the stick in their mouth. HOWEVER - it does take skill... and should NEVER be attempted by anyone not trained !

What would blow balloon faster mouth blow or vinegar and baking soda in a bottle?

Mouth Blow could be faster because when u blow it release a big chunk of air into the ballooon( will massive for that size).

How do you get fire blow in Pokemon platinum?

just blow on the screen

How does an elephant blow water from its trunk?

Basically the same way you blow water from your mouth.

How does a flute make sound?

You blow into the Flute's mouth, The sound comes out the rear end.

How can you escape the fire trap in Pokemon pearl?

You literally blow on it.

How do you build a fire on sims castaway?

First you get wood. Then you go to the fire pit. Tap on it. It will make fire. Tap that. Then you rub on the wood. When you do it enough it will say blow. Then you blow. Walla you have a fire.

Why is it that when you blow a candle its light goes off but when you blow a fire its light come on?

Oxygen feeds fire, but for a candle, it is too small to withstand the pressure of a good blow, and the fire is easily blown out in the wick, where the core of the fire is. In a bigger fire though, like a campfire, it is too big for a human to blow it out, and so the oxygen feeds it, and makes it glow brighter temporarily.