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If yo do missions you can get glasses and choclats and a snow globe. have fun x

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Q: How can you buy clothes on Club Penguin without been a member?
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How can you get clothes on Club Penguin without being a member?

You can buy a Club Penguin toy and use the code to unlock items online, you can get member items!

How do you get clothes on club penguin without being a member today?

you cant you have to be a member to buy things

How do you get clothes on Club Penguin 2011 if not meber?

How do you get clothes on club penguin if not member in 2011

Can you get the clothes from Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force to Club Penguin?

you have to be a member

How do i wear my member clothes when your membership has ran out on club penguin?

You cant If you want member clothes that you can always wear,then buy a club penguin toy when you buy a club penguin toy you can get clothes that might never in the club penguin catalog.

How do you wear members clothes on club penguin without being a member?

u cant

How do you get member clothes without being a member of Club Penguin?

You have to get free items or get a toy code to unlock more membery-ish clothes.

Can you wear what if your free member party items in club penguin without what if your membership?

You can only wear the member clothes when you ARE a member. I was a member 2 time and when it expires, your not able to wear the clothes you bought. You are able to wear the free clothes around club penguin. For example, the Christmas hats that are somewhere around club penguin around winter time. Hope that answers your question!!!!!!!!

How do you buy clothes on Club Penguin?

You need to be a member to buy clothes.

How do you get clothes with out being a member on club penguin?

It is impossible as a non-member.

How do you buy clothes when you are not a member in club penguin?

you cant

How can you delete stuff you bought on club penguin forever?

Sorry You Cant Delete Your Club Penguin Clothes Or Have Refunds On Them Only if your Member Ship Expires Then You Wont Have Your Member Clothes