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Q: How can you carry a baby without ovaries and fallopian tube?
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Can you carry a baby without fallopian tubes and ovaries?

You cannot become pregnant but you could carry a baby.

What type of hysterectomy leaves a woman unable to carry a baby?

A radical hysterectomy will leave a woman unable to have children, because the procedure removes the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.

Will there be deformities in a baby after one fallopian tube is removed?

No. The fallopian tubes just carry the egg to the uterus. The baby grows in the uterus and is not affected by the fallopian tubes

What can a gyno feel inside of the uterus besides ovaries?

A gynecologist can feel many things in the uterus besides the ovaries. They can feel fibroids, fallopian tubes and at times, a baby.

Ways to have a baby without uterus ovaries and fallopian tubes?

Well, if you dont have a uterus or fallobiantubes you can always adopt a baby or have a surrogate which is someone who holds your baby through pregnancy then gives birth and give it to you. Ovaries produce eggs so you cant use eggs but if your married your husband could transplant sperm into someone and then could have your baby. I hope this helped!!!

Where does fertilization take place in female?

In the ovaries . This is also where the women carry their baby !

What is total abdominal bilateral hysterectomy and salpingo oophorectomy?

TAHBSO is removal of uterus,cervix,fallopian tubes and ovaries via an abdominal incision

Can you still produce eggs after partial hysterectomy and have one ovary?

Hysterectomy is removal of your uterus. Ooectomy is removal of your ovaries. If your ovaries were left when they did the hysterectomy (quite common these days), yes, you can still produce fertile eggs, no problem. If your uterus is gone, though, there's nowhere for the eggs to go. If you still have fallopian tubes, you'd still be at risk for ectopic pregnancy.

What are the function of the female reproductive system?

The uterus is the pear-shaped organ that protects the baby while it is growing. The lining of it sheds once a month when a woman is not pregnant. The cervix is a flap of tissue between the vagina and the uterus that closes when a woman is pregnant. The vagina is the entrance to the uterus. The fallopian tubes carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. If it is fertilized, then the egg will attach itself to the lining of the uterus. If not, it will be expelled from the body through the vagina. The ovaries are the egg-shaped storehouses for the ovum(eggs). A baby girl is born with all the eggs she will use for her entire life, which is about 800,000.

Major functions of the female reproductive system?

The main components of the female reproductive system are ovaries, Fallopian tubes, a uterus, the cervix, and the genital canal. Ovaries produce eggs, which then travel down the Fallopian tubes and enter the uterus, where they are fertilized. Fertilized eggs will then develop into a human baby if there re no problems. Once the baby has reached full term and is ready to be born, the cervix will dilate and the baby will pass through the cervix, through the genital canal, and then out of the mother's body.

What are the fallopian tubes?

It is a thin tube connecting the ovaries with the uterus, it is the site of fertilization i.e. the fusion of male and female gamete.It is the part of female reproductive system in which sperm and egg intract to each other (fertilization).

Is ovary aka uterus?

No, they are 2 different organs. The ovaries (2) are the ones releasing the egg once a month and the egg then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. It's in the uterus the baby grows when you are pregnant.