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If you give someone oral sex or kiss someone with herpes.

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Q: How can you catch mouth herpes?
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Can you catch herpes from sharing a hair brush?

No, it is not possible for the virus that causes herpes to "jump" from a hairbrush or your hair to your mouth or genitals; both are mucous membranes, which is the only two places that herpes can infect.

Can you catch Herpes Zoster from your dog?

You can't catch Herpes Zoster from your dog.

Is a pimple by the mouth a sign of herpes?

It is NOT likely a pimple by the mouth is herpes.

Can you catch a cold sore on your mouth if you already get them in your nose?

Not very likely. The herpes virus that causes cold sores "hides" in nerves and there are very few nerves in the nose area of the face compared to the mouth area.

What is the medical term meaning Inflammation of the mouth due to herpes?

Herpetic stomatitis is inflammation of the mouth due to herpes.

What is mouth herpes?

It is essentially a cold sore on the mouth area.

Why bunnies have hair in their mouth?

They have herpes.

Can blood poar out of your mouth when you have mouth herpes?

Nope, I have it and never had that happen.

What could cause mouth sores and very dry mouth?


Is mouth herpes real?

Yes. Cold sores are from the herpes simplex virus. Herpes can also be transmitted through oral sex.

I have these weird sores in my mouth?

It is herpes. Sometimes people refer to them as 'cold sores' but it is the herpes simples virus.

Can you get herpes from touching someones saliva but with your fingers and their herpes not showing at the time?

Only if the person in question is infected with a Herpes viral infection of the mouth. Basically, if they have oral herpes, yes. Otherwise, no.