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That would be an abortion if you cause it on purpose. For a induced miscarriage aka abortion there is a combo of Mifepristone and Misoprostol given to you by your doctor if he think you are within the limit (up to the 9th week) and healthy enough. Otherwise there will be a surgical abortion. The pills are on prescription and you can only get them directly from the doctor.

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Q: How can you cause a miscarage?
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What drinks can cause a miscarage?

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No. As you get further along you will not feel good doing that and naturally stop because the fetus will get too big.

How do you have a miscarage on purpose?

That would be an abortion and you get it at the doctors.

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What trimester is usually and high risk for miscarage?

First trimester.

How do you know when your having a miscarage?

you know when you have a miscarage because when your on your period clots of blood come out, heaps of blood and it hurts way more and it takes a while for all that blood to stop, it goes for awhile

What does miscarage mean?

A miscarriage is the premature birth of a still born fetus.

What to do with your dog who had a miscarriage?

you need to bring your dog to the vet right away it can cause deth if your dog i feeling sad because of there miscarage pick them up spend time with then get treats they enjoy and toy

Just had a miscarage. what should i do?

If it's over you call your doctor and make an appointment. You have to get examined to see that everything is out.

Could you still experince pregnancy symptoms after a miscarage?

Yes, it takes the body a couple of months to settle the hormones.

Can you have a miscarage at 7 months?

At this month ,the possible causes of baby coming out would be placenta previa,abruptio placenta and unstoppable premature delivery.