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You can only change the background and text colors. Do this by going to "settings" and then "design".

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Q: How can you change the colors of sidebar sidebar border and the text in new twitter?
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How do i change my layout on Twitter?

With Twitter you can add a Twitter background and you can change the colors of the background, the text, and a few other items.First you need to find a background made for Twitter at, their twitter section is here: you find the background you like, save it to your desktop.Then you need to login to twitter, click settings and then design. Here you choose Change Background and pick the background you found from your desktop. Then hit Save Changes and the background should show up. You can also change your design colors by clicking on Design colors and you can find the correct codes for each color on the PROFILErehab site next to where the background was that you picked. Here is a link to really detailed directions if you get confused: (linked below)

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