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You can check if a character is a vowel or a consonant in VB.NET by using a conditional statement with the Char.ToLower() method to ensure case insensitivity. You can then check if the character is a vowel by comparing it to a list of vowels using the Contains() method, and if it is not a vowel, it is considered a consonant.

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Q: How can you check vowel or consonent in vbnet?
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switch is a loop which is used for checking various conditions and print corresponding matter.switch(a)//where a is that whose condition you have to check.#includemain(){char a;printf("enter a char.");scanf("%c",&a);switch(a){case 'a':printf("vowel");break;case 'e':printf("vowel");break;case 'i':printf("vowel");break;case 'o':printf("vowel");break;case 'u':printf("vowel");break;default:printf("consonent");}}

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What is an instance in vbnet?

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What is instance in vbnet?

An instance in VBNet is the same as an instance in any other language; it is the realisation of a type. In object-oriented languages, like VBNet, we say that an object is an instance of a class, where the class defines the object's type.

IS VBNet purely objet oriented?
