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I think you mean the other way round - how do you convert solar energy into DC Power? Or in other words, how do you convert energy from the sun into usable electricity?

A basic system will include the solar panel itself, a charge controller, a battery, and of course, the load (lights, phone charger, TV, etc).

The controller is necessary to charge the battery safely, because it ensures the battery (usually 12V lead acid) is charged at the correct voltage and for the correct length of time (otherwise you destroy it, or lower its lifespan). The controller also prevents you from depleting the battery so much that it is damaged (again, assuming 12V lead acid).

The load is usually connected to the controller, which prevents over-discharge of he battery, as well as some protection features, such as over current protection.

Answering your questions, this is how PV solar gets used in the most basic way. There are many, many other configurations and possibilitys, but it all depends on what you are working with and what it is you want to provide power for.

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This is an excellent website that will teach you everything you need to know about building solar panels: Solar Panels are made up of solar cells, that convert sun energy into usable electricity. Normally the cells charge a bank of batteries that will power an inverter, which converts the DC into AC. You can now plug in devices and appliances you wish to power from your solar panels.