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There is currently no user interface for deleting a file attached to a database entry, however a workaround would be to delete the entry completely and then create a new entry without the file attached.

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Q: How can you delete a file attached to a database entry in BigGyan Cloud eLearning?
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The SQL statement used to delete data from a database is DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;. This statement deletes rows from the specified table based on the condition provided. Make sure to use caution when using DELETE statements as they permanently remove data from the database.

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Unless you want to drop (delete) the entire database, you will must delete tables individually. To delete tables individually, execute the query "SHOW TABLES" in your database which will return a list of all table names. Iterate through that resultset and execute "DROP TABLE {$table_name}"

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To delete data from your MySQL database you need to use the mysql_query() function. Please see the example below: <?php mysql_query("DELETE FROM table_name WHERE field_name = 44"); ?>

Why not use the Front Page Files area for restoring courses in BigGyan Cloud eLearning?

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Insert, Update, Delete

What if you delete a database table?

click undo to restore the table

What is the importance of database normalization and why they use it?

Reads , insert , update , and delete . . .

What software tool can be used to create a database add change and delete data in the database sort and retrieve data and create forms and reports using the data in the database?

datebase management system

What are the different operations in working with relational database management system?

-Insert -Update -Delete