

How can you describe the color gray to a blind person?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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10y ago

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You actually truthfully cannot explain a color to a blind person because it will only confuse him than help him. There are organizations that do help the blind with their technology for blind people.

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Q: How can you describe the color gray to a blind person?
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How do you describe the color gray to a blind person?

In order to describe the color gray to a blind person, it would be beneficial to connect it with one of the other senses. It may described as: the sound of footsteps on concrete, the smell of rain, the smooth texture of stainless steel.

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You can use tints and shades of gray to describe White. Using black to shade and white to tint. Since black and white are neutrals and not colors, you can use them to describe the color white.

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Is gray an adjective?

Yes, colors are adjectives if they describe something (gray socks, a gray area). They can be nouns when they do not describe something (I like the color gray).

What are other words to describe the color gray?

dark, dreary, dismal

What color is Holland Novak's hair?

Gray is the best color to describe it in the truest sense of the color. What I mean is, not gray as in "salt & pepper" colored hair as you age - simply a full healthy gray color which is not found in nature. (rarely if ever). =) Holland's a great character

Why is grey color also spelled as gray?

Grey and gray are both used to describe the color that is a mix of both black and white. Grey is used primarily in European countries while "gray" has become the preferred spelling of the color in the United States.

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r u blind because thts sad itz gray you moron-.-

Do color blind people know if there skin is white or black?

Sort of. They only see a shade of gray, black, or white.

Is Hinata blind what color is her eyes then?

No... She's not blind. Far from it. It's because of her Byakugan, her clan's Kekkei Genkai. When activated, it gives her a 360º view with the exception of a small blind spot on the uppervertebrae. Her eyes are actually a slight lavender color but almost completely white/gray.

How can colorblindness influence people?

If one is color blind, it may effect the way they see everyday things, like traffic lights. If all a person can see is gray, they may have difficulty knowing when to stop and/or go.

Are there blue sheep?

Blue is a term used to describe a certain wool color. Most people would describe the color as a blueish-gray or black fibers mixed with white. But yes, there are.