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Q: How can you determine what direction the sound came from?
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How do humans perceive the difference between a sound directly in front or behind them if in both cases the sound reaches both ears simultaneously?

We are able to determine the direction the sound came from when the sound vibrates certain parts of the eardrum, causing our brain to determine the direction the sound came from.

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Is when a sound wave bounces off an object and returns in the direction from which it came?

that isnt a question...? Perhaps the question was to be something like: "What is happening when a sound wave bounces off an object and returns in the direction from which it came?" Answer: The sound is echoing.

Function of pinna or outer ear?

The pinna helps focus sound into the inner ear and determine the direction from which the sound originates.

How an echo is formed?

An echo is formed when sound waves hit a solid surface and bounce back in the direction they came from.

How does it help to have two ears?

The obvious advantage is that twice the sound energy is sensed and interpreted. Just as importantly, it also allows us to determine the direction that the sound is coming from. Your brain can detect the time difference of the sound as it enters each ear. It then uses this information to identify the relative direction of the source.Two eyes separated by a few inches or centimeters give us the ability to determine the distance of objects because we see a slightly different image in each eye. Our brain interprets each image allowing us to judge the distance between us and the object.Our ears do much the same thing. Our brain uses the slightly different sound in each ear to determine direction and distance. Humans are not particularly good at using their ears. Sometimes we change the direction of our head to hear a sound better, trying to judge where it is coming from. We hear sound in stereo.

The use of sound waves by some bats to navigate and find food is called what?

Bats send out sound waves which bounce off of solid and liquid materials. They then locate the where the sound wave came from and can determine where the object is and what the object is. This form of navigation is called echolocation.

Can males or females determine the direction of sound better?

All frogs are able to hear (if they were deaf, they wouldn't be calling). Because frogs always have two eardrums (tympana) they are able to determine the direction. A special frog is Amolops tormotus, because it is able to produce and hear ultrasound.

Can you control sound wave direction by changing the direction and presure of air?

You can control sound wave direction, by changing the direction and pressure of air.

Why did Harry Styles come up with one direction?

He was thinking of names that he thought would sound cool when the announcer said it, he came up with One Direction and all the other boys liked it :)

Where is the One Direction came from?

Harry Styles, one of the band mates, made up the name to sound good with the XFactor announcers voice.

How can you determine the direction on a map without a compass rose?

You can determine the direction on a map without a compass rose by using cardinal direction.