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A three year old is very ego centric so you have to work with this in mind. What is needed is a set of consistent rules and consequences. You set these and FOLLOW them. If you tell your child to pick up his/her toys you tell them that they have a choice to pick them up, but if you do it the toys will be put up for the rest of the day. Don't tell him/her any more than twice to pick up the toys. On the third time tell the child they made their choice and now you will pick them up, but they stay up for the rest of the day. The child may throw a fit or pout, but ignore it . DO NOT MAKE A DEAL OR RESPOND if you do you have just undone what you have accomplished. After doing this a few times your child will realize that you mean what you say. This can be done with most things. The important part is you NEVER not do what you say. If you tell a child they have timeout or they need to stay in their room you have to follow through. If promise a good thing, you have to do it . Be consistent with all things.

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Q: How can you effectively discipline a 3 year old boy?
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