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Can't do. Nitric acid would vaporize if added to molten gold.

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2w ago

To extract gold from an alloy using nitric acid, you can dissolve the alloy in nitric acid, which will selectively dissolve the base metals in the alloy, leaving behind the gold. Once the base metals are dissolved, you can precipitate the gold from the solution by adding a reducing agent, such as copper or ferrous sulfate, which will cause the gold to drop out of the solution as a solid. Finally, the solid gold can be filtered out and further refined to obtain pure gold.

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15y ago

Nitric acid will not dissolve gold, but it will dissolve most other metals; you could use it to dissolve the non-gold portion of the alloy, leaving the gold behind.

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Nitric acid typically exists in its liquid form since it is a highly corrosive and strong acid. It can also be found in its solid form as anhydrous crystals, and in its gaseous form as nitrogen dioxide in equilibrium with the liquid.

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The composition of hno3 is HNO3 , with one hydrogen atom, one nitrogen atom, and three oxygen atoms. The name of this molecule is nitric acid. Refer to the related link for a structural formula of nitric acid.

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Nitric acid is typically produced by the oxidation of ammonia with air in the presence of a catalyst at high temperatures. This process creates nitrogen dioxide, which is then dissolved in water to form nitric acid. Additionally, nitric acid can also be produced by the reaction of nitrogen oxides with water.