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Water you can extract if the force is with you.

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Q: How can you extract water and oxygen from moon rocks?
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What were almost all of the moon rocks made of?

The Moon rocks discovered so far are igneous in nature and are very similar to Earth rocks except that they contain no water and very little oxygen. See the link below for more information.

Moon rocks indicate there is no what on the moon?

current life. Water.

How much oxygen is there on the moon?

There is quite a lot of oxygen on the moon, just not in the form of a gas. It is tied up in the rocks as metal oxides and other minerals.

How did the water get on the moon?

There are a few possible explanations for the water on the moon. The most likely one is that the solar winds and the rocks and soil on the moon interacted. Since the wind is hydrogen, and the soil is oxygen, it creates water. Another possibility would be that comets containing water collided with the moon and left behind water.

Do they have oxygen on the Moon?

No oxygen is not naturally present on the Moon. The Moon does not have an atmosphere to trap and circulate oxygen like Earth does. However there are some sources of oxygen on the Moon that are created by human activity. These sources include: Oxygen stored in tanks for use in scientific experiments Oxygen created by solar energy to split water molecules in lunar soil Oxygen created by chemical reactions from oxidizing materials on the lunar surface Oxygen generated by lunar landers rovers and other robotic probesHumans have been able to bring oxygen to the Moon but there is still no natural supply of oxygen on its surface.

Related questions

Is it possible to colonize the moon in the near future?

It would be very dificult but we can as we can extract oxygen from the rocks of the moons surfuce, however it would take years to create an atmosphere, in fact it may not even be possible to extract enough oxygen to do so

Where on the Moon can there be oxygen to produce water?

Most rocks are oxides which means that they contain oxygen. But the oxygen is very tightly bound to othere elements in these minerals. There might be water ice under the surface of the moon somwhere in which case the ice could be melted to make water.

What were almost all of the moon rocks made of?

The Moon rocks discovered so far are igneous in nature and are very similar to Earth rocks except that they contain no water and very little oxygen. See the link below for more information.

Is there oxygen on both the moon and earth surfaces?

There may be oxygen on the moon's surface locked up in chemical compounds of the rocks and dust, but no free oxygen, no. The moon has virtually no atmosphere to speak of.

Why does it not rain on the moon?

There is no atmosphere on the moon and no water.

Moon rocks indicate there is no what on the moon?

current life. Water.

How much oxygen is there on the moon?

There is quite a lot of oxygen on the moon, just not in the form of a gas. It is tied up in the rocks as metal oxides and other minerals.

How did the water get on the moon?

There are a few possible explanations for the water on the moon. The most likely one is that the solar winds and the rocks and soil on the moon interacted. Since the wind is hydrogen, and the soil is oxygen, it creates water. Another possibility would be that comets containing water collided with the moon and left behind water.

What have they found on the moon besides water?


Would moon-rocks change in any way because of oxygen?

Yes, because oxygen is very reactive.

Do they have oxygen on the Moon?

No oxygen is not naturally present on the Moon. The Moon does not have an atmosphere to trap and circulate oxygen like Earth does. However there are some sources of oxygen on the Moon that are created by human activity. These sources include: Oxygen stored in tanks for use in scientific experiments Oxygen created by solar energy to split water molecules in lunar soil Oxygen created by chemical reactions from oxidizing materials on the lunar surface Oxygen generated by lunar landers rovers and other robotic probesHumans have been able to bring oxygen to the Moon but there is still no natural supply of oxygen on its surface.

What moon has oxygen?

No moon known in the universe, but Earth's moon has frozen water. correction Jupiter's moon (europa) a candidate for terraforming has Oxygen, Saturn's Moon has Oxygen. but is it breathable? we dont know.