

Best Answer

First you would need to wait until you are out on parole.


  1. File a request for change of parole conditions (typically this can be done through the parole office to the parole board). This will be denied.
  2. File a step on Grievance. This will be denied.
  3. File a step two grievance within thirty days of receiving the first denial. This will be denied.
  4. File a step three Grievance within thirty days of receiving the second denial. This will be denied.
  5. File a motion with district court to have the parole conditions reviewed. It is likely, perhaps 50/50 at best that your motion for hearing will even be granted. It is unlikely your request will be honored.
  6. File an appeal with the circuit court to have the parole conditions reviewed. It is unlikely your motion for a hearing will be granted.

While this may seem rather an empty endeavor, if you feel strongly about it, and the other party is willing to support you in the endeavor, drive on. it is possible, although improbable that you can succeed. It is honorable and worth the try. If you do succeed, you make it easier for others who will follow.

Keep very good records and notes through the entire process, and always communicate your desire and the reasons supporting it in very clear detail. Keep in mind, if there is a familial relationship here, get outside support from ministers, doctors, counselors, neighbors, and other family. The more you have, the less improbable your quest.

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Q: How can you fight a no contact restriction from parole?
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The rules and regulations udner which a parolee is granted their release are all set forth in the parole documents they received at the time they were released. Read them carefully -or- contact your parole officer. There may well could be a travel restriction contained in them.

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Have you tried reading the documents you received when your received parole? The date of your completion should be in there. If you can't find the papers, contact your assigned Parole Officer. If you cannot reach them contact the state board of parole..

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As long as you are not on Probation or Parole, you can have contact with whomever you wish.

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If it is necessary for you to report an absconder, you may contact the local Parole Office and ask to speak to the Parole Officer of the abscondee.

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Yes. By and large any parole condition can be placed on the parolee.

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Ask your boyfriend!

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Can parolees have friends on parole?

Certainly, however you may not be able to have contact with them while either of you are on parole. while on parole, you will likely require the permission of each of your parole officers. If both of you have the same PO, this becomes easier. Once you have been discharged from parole, no one can prevent you from having what friends you want, or having contact with them.

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Talk with the parole officer handling the case.

How can I find out my off parole date Louisiana?

If you are on parole, you are likely required to maintain regular contact with an assigned parole officer. This officer should know, or be able to find out, your final date.

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Everything you need to know about your actions while on parole is contained in the paperwork you were given at the time you were released. READ THE PAPERWORK and contact your parole officer for any questions.