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both are supposed to know due to court orders both would show up and hear the pleas

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Q: How can you find out if someone has placed a restraining order on someone close to you with out either one knowing?
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Does someone have to actually break the law to get a restraining order on them?

No The restraining order can be placed when there is threat or perceived threat of violence, harassment or stalking. The court will hear an application when any of the above concern you about your safety. These are just some of the reasons people seek a restraining order, check with your local PD for more advice.

If parent placed child on restraining order and then dies can it still be in affect if he moves into house?

No, the restraining order is only for the person that put the restraining order on the other person. So it does not stay with the property of the person who has now passed away.

Does a battery attorney help with restraining orders?

"If a restraining order is placed on you because of supposed aggression or assault, a battery attorney can help you prove in court that the plaintiff was never in any danger. Thus, you prove the restraining order was baseless and it becomes moot."

If you got emancitpated from yourparents your legally an adult can you take a restraining order off that your parents put on?

Yes, if you are legally an adult and have been emancipated, you can take steps to have a restraining order that your parents have placed on you lifted. You can consult with an attorney who specializes in family law to guide you through the process and help you file the necessary paperwork to have the restraining order lifted.

Can you still do security if restraining order is placed?

Not if your employer has a problem with it. ALSO - if your position requires you to carry a firearm, restraining orders forbid your possession of them which would impact your ability to perform that aspect of your job.

Can parole restrict contact with a spouse if there is no restraining order from the court?

Yes. By and large any parole condition can be placed on the parolee.

Can a dad teach his kids of opposite gender about sex?

No reason why either or both parents shouldn't teach their children, of either gender, about sex. Someone should do this and either parent is best placed to handle the education in a sensitive manner.

Can you get a restraining order placed against someone to keep them away from your minor children. Will it keep them from phyisicaly and say contacting them through the internet and others?

If a protective order is necessary for a child, the child's parents must apply and appear on behalf of the child. You will have to show why the child is in danger from this person.

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It seems to be either syllable, but slight emphasis is placed on 'foot'

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A curse placed on someone or something.

How can someone make their own website?

A page can be created rather easily. A domain name is created and purchased either for a fee or for free, but it must be registered. A template can be purchased either for a fee or for free then everything is placed into the template and then it is ready for view.

Petitioner violating restraining order in Florida?

If the restraining order is against the Petitioner (as in a case where there are counter-petitions), the Petitioner may be arrested by any sheriff's office.Additional: In FL, even if no counter-petition has been sought or awarded, the petitioner is bound by the same restrictions as have been placed against the respondant. As stated above, the petitioner CAN be arrested for violating the provisions their own restraining order. The petitioner cannot use their order as a weapon against the respondant.