

How can you flavor sugar with vanilla?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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One way is to put some sugar in a small jar with a vanilla bean. You can also use spent vanilla pods that have had their seeds scraped out for use in something else. Just put the pod in the jar, cover with sugar. Seal the jar and set it aside for a few days for the vanilla flavour to infuse the sugar.

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Q: How can you flavor sugar with vanilla?
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Can you mix vanilla extract and granulated sugar together to make vanilla sugar?

Yes, but it is best to use the vanilla extract sparingly, then gradually add just a drop at a time until you reach the desired strength of vanilla flavor.

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Yes, it does affect the taste of the cookie. With the sugar being a flavor of vanilla, it would make the cookie have a hint of vanilla taste to it. I would expect it to taste quite well, actually.

Is vanilla the same as a vanilla shake?

No. Vanilla is a flavor. Many things can have a vanilla flavor; shakes are one example. Ice cream is another. It is a common ingredient in baked goods such as cookies. 'Vanilla' often refers to vanilla extract, which is the source of the flavor. It comes from vanilla beans. Vanilla extract is a liquid that you add (in very small amounts) to give something a vanilla flavor.

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You can use sugar, vanilla, maple, hot sauce, and spices. There are also salt substitutes.

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To make Vanilla Sugar without having to use Vanilla Beans (Which are rare and expensive in Grocery Stores) just use Vanilla Extract and Sugar in a ratio of one teaspoon of Vanilla Extract to every two cups of regular granulated sugar. Then spread the well mixed vanilla sugar on a baking pan lined with wax paper to dry. *Note* To make Vanilla Sugar with a Vanilla Bean, just crush a Vanilla Bean and mix with Sugar. Then store until needed. When needed, sift out all large bits of ean, until just sugar is left. Store bean with sugar until bean looses flavor.

Can you substitute vanilla extract with vanilla essence?

Yes you can and unless it is recipe that's main ingredient is vanilla bean, most people will not be able to tell the difference. As a matter of fact, most people can't tell the difference between pure vanilla extract and imitation that costs a LOT less. I use 1 teaspoon of extract for 1 pod of vanilla bean. If you are worried about the liquid imbalance in the recipe, decrease another of your liquids by a teaspoon.

Is the vanilla flavor from bananas?

No, vanilla comes from its own plant, the vanilla bean.

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If vanilla taste bad by itself then why does it not taste bad with other things?

Even though vanilla taste bad by itself, it can taste different when you add ingredients because vanilla is such a thin (not as powerful) formula it is easy for other ingredients to sink into it. For Example: If you add sugar to vanilla it will change its flavor because the sugar has made it more sweet. The same thing will happen with brown sugar, too. If you add a wiped egg yolk with vanilla it will also change its taste because an egg yolk has a different flavor. The flavors will combine to make a new one. Vanilla might have a strong taste but it is not a strong ingredient.

What does vanilla extract do to cookies?

You don't necessarily NEED vanilla extract in cookies, but it vanilla extract does add flavor to the recipe. I have accidentally left it out of a cookie recipe before, and you can definitely tell the difference. Without the vanilla extract, the cookies taste very bland.