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Unless the person realizes that they are in fact in an emotionally abusive marriage there really isn't anything you can do. You can however, set up a type of intervention with said persons close friends and family. Maybe this will help them come to terms with their situation. Support and positivity goes a long way.

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Q: How can you get a person out of an emotional abusive marriage?
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Abusive behavior refers to actions or words that are intended to harm, manipulate, control, or intimidate another person. This can include physical, verbal, emotional, or psychological abuse, and it can have serious negative effects on the victim's well-being.

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Call the police or call a hotline, There are people in this world who are here to help.

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It exist because the person being hurt stays in the relationship thinking the abuser will stop. Face reality this person has issues and they will not just up and change. I would advise anyone who is in an abusive relationship whether physical,emotional or verbal get out while you still can, because the abuser is not going to change magically.

What leads a person to be abusive?

probably an abusive childhood or excessive stress

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No. Abuse is only the result of the choice to use an abusive tactic. In any situation, abusive behavior is a choice, and non-abusive behavior can be chosen at the same time. The frequency of sex in a marriage can not cause abuse, but abuse can definitely impact the frequency of sex in a marriage.

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Marriage requires emotional maturity, but not everyone has it.

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This is a marriage that the partners have a low emotional investment in the marriage and few expectations of each other.

When you are bipolar does that make you abusive?

It could. But not every Bipolar person is abusive. It should however, never be an excuse for abuse. A person who is abusive Bipolar or not, is wrong in what they are doing. Seek help if you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship/situation.