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well the best way to stay away from hiv is to have you and your partner checked for will be worth it cause once you have hiv theres no turning back.also make sure your partner understands its for safety and not to take it to offense.hope this helped

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Q: How can you get away from HIV?
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Can you get hiv oral kissing with hiv positive if you don t have mouth alcer?

Yes because you don't have to have symptoms to give it away

Does HIV antibodies go away after some time?

No. HIV is a retrovirus that infects its host's DNA lysogenically (inserting its own genome into the host genome after reverse-transcripting into DNA). Therefore, it stays in your cells' DNA forever. However, you can suppress HIV symptoms and keep them at bay with many of the "HIV cocktails" (combinations of protease inhibitors, etc. that prevent the virus from replicating).

Can HIV be cured with herbals?

No, HIV (which you probably mean, HIV +) can not be cured with herbals. You know why? Because there is NO cure yet for HIV+, even with medicine. BUt being HIV+ does not mean you will get AIDS. There are very good medicines today that will help people who are HIV+ live long, healthy lives. Herbals are a good, big part of helping someone with HIV+ live a long and healthy life, but they can not make the HIV+ go away.

About how many years can HIV be in your body before you see signs of it?

Rigt away

What is the solution of AIDS?

There is no cure for AIDS or HIV. You get HIV then develop AIDS. It's kind of like getting a cold then sneezing as a symptom where the cold is HIV and the sneezing is AIDS. You can not have AIDS but not having HIV. Using protection during sex, not sharing needles, and staying away from blood can lower your chance of getting HIV.

Can a circumcised man contact HIV?

No, circumcision does NOT prevent the transmission of HIV. Condoms can dramatically reduce the chance of HIV transmission. There's some evidence that circumcised men face a little less risk of catching HIV, but that's still far away from saying it's safe.

Well HIV go away?

No, once it's in your body... it's too late.

Does male circumcision prevent HIV?

No, circumcision does NOT prevent the transmission of HIV. Condoms can dramatically reduce the chance of HIV transmission. There's some evidence that circumcised men face a little less risk of catching HIV, but that's still far away from saying it's safe.

Is cankor sores one of the HIV symptoms?

Yes, cankor sores are one of the HIV symptoms, but they are also symptoms of other things as well. If you think you may have put yourself at risk for HIV and they show up, you should probably check it out. Even if they go away, because they will if you have HIV.

Will HIV signs go away?

HIV will be gone when the new Earth comes(I'm a Christian). But if you mean on this Earth, the not likely. HIV is a powerful sickness that leads to AIDS. It might be gone from the USA one day, but it will remain in Africa until the new Earth.

Does HIV die in an needle?

Not right away. Depending on environmental conditions, it could live for a day or two.

How do you prevent HIV infections?

1 By having safe sex limiting to married partner only 2 gaining knowledge about HIV 3never use the syringe second time throw it away by using once.