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Lots of ways: you can be mean to people so they can report you, you can guve away cheats, or you can cuss, that's how i get banned! :)

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Q: How can you get banned on Club Penguin?
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No Club penguin cant get banned from the council

How do you be an abuser on Club Penguin?

You will be banned from club penguin if you do.

What happens if you swear on Club Penguin?

If you swear on club penguin you will be banned from club penguin for so long then you will be allowed back on unless you get banned FOREVER!!! willrr...

How Long can you get banned for dating on club penguin when you are being appropriate?

You do not get banned for dating..... you can only be banned for saying curse words and such on club penguin. Trust me I have been on club penguin for 2 years and have never been banned for dating

How do you get out of bannedment in club penguin?

Impossible, when you are banned you are banned

Why was Miley's penguin banned from Club Penguin?

for swearing

Does penguin storm get you banned from Club Penguin?

no. But PKK does

What happens if you report another penguin in club penguin?

You get banned for 24 hours.

Can you get banned forever on club penguin?


Why are you banned from Club Penguin?

If you got banned , you did something bad.

On Club Penguin can a penguin die?

No. But you can get banned! So be careful.

How to a penguin?

report it so that the community can banned it from club penguin.