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you cant unless u hack with a GameShark and then if u do the game will glitch upand ur save file will get corrupted

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Q: How can you get behind the boxes in the seven islands in Pokemon FireRed?
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What is behind the boxes on island 7 in firered?

The area behind the boxes on Seven Island in Pokemon FireRed cannot be accessed. It was an area created for the E-Reader. However the function was taken out when the cards were not planned to be released outside of Japan.

How do you get past the door in Pokemon FireRed on Seven Island if it is covered by boxes?

You have to have an e-reader. the e-reader game is behind them.

On Pokemon firered how do you get past the boxes in the old ladys house?

There is an old lady's house in Pokemon FireRed that has some boxes you can get past. The only way to get past them is to use the E reader hardware device.

What happens when you fill all of your PC boxes in Pokemon FireRed?

you can't catch more pokemon. you have to get rid of some pokemon.

How do you get past the boxes in Pokemon FireRed?

You can't. There's nothing beyond them so you can't get past them.

How do you move the boxes on Pokemon FireRed?

I never realy moved them i could help, be more specific, which ones?

How do you get through the boxes on Pokemon FireRed?

u don't. its just there 2 annoy u. haha! lol, i dunno

How do you get past the boxes in the old ladys house on Pokemon firered?

As much as it pains me to tell you this, it is not possible, i.e. it has never been done and I cant figure out how to do it

How do you move the boxes on seven island at the old ladies house on Pokemon leafgreen?

Unless you could walk through walls you can't go behind the boxes.

How do you get past the tree boxes in firered?

that's emerald

Where does it say migrate from FireRed in pearlfirered when you try to migrate Pokemon from FireRed to pearl?

k you know the picture of Palkia you find on the welcome screen? When you see Continue game and all that stuff you should find "Migrate From fire red" click it to migrate. THE POKEMON NEED TO BE IN THE BOXES IF YOU WANNA MIGRATE THEM!!! YOU CAN'T MIGRATE POKEMON THAT KNOW HMS! If you want to migrate a Pokemon so badly that knows an HM, log on to your fire red, get the Pokemon out OF YOUR BOXES, unless the Pokemon is already out, go to Fushia City and go to the house right next to the Pokemon center. He is the Move Deleter. He is the only way you can delete HMs. ~Wario

Where can you buy a GBA wireless adaptor?

One place where you could get them was in special boxes of Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen. There might have been other games with them in, but you'll struggle to find them in stores these days.