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It is not easy! Try alcohol soaks if it does not hurt your fabric.

Also, you can lit the area sit overnight in something like easywash.

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Q: How can you get ink stains out of clothing that has been washed?
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Ink stain removal depends largely on the type of surface it is on. If there is ink stain on clothing, it is best to dilute it out with rubbing alcohol while the stain is fresh. For deeper stains, a stronger product such as oxiclean will need to be used.

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What cleaner removes ink stains off clothing the best?

I have heard that soaking the clothes in milk is a good solution and also spraying hairspray on the ink spot and then blot the ink stain with a clean paper towel and then wash as usual.

How does hairspray remove ink stains?

Ink stains are tricky, but they sometimes respond to alcohol. Alcohol content in hair spray has been greatly reduced since my junior high days of poofed-up bangs. This is great for hair-care. Not so fab for ink stains. Sometimes hair spray works. And when it does, it's wonderful. But a lot of times, it doesn't. Hair spray tends to work better if the fabric in question is made of polyester or a polyester blend. That being said, clothing treated with hair spray should be rinsed thoroughly whether the ink came out or not.

How do you get ink stains out of a pair of jeans?

Here are some suggestions for getting ink stains out of jeans:

How do you get red ink from a pen out of clothes that have been washed and dried with pen in pocket?

put weatter on it du

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How can someone find out how to remove ink stains from silk?

There are a number of different resources where one can find out how to remove ink stains from silk. One can find answers to how to remove ink stains from silk on websites such as Tips, DoItYourself, and instructional videos on YouTube.

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I don't know what bonded leather is but rubbing alchohol removes ink pen stains from leather furniture.

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How do you remove writing ink stains from clothes?

There are 3 types of ink that can be washed away:Washable ink- it's almost too easy. Washing it in hot water should get rid of the stain.Ballpoint ink. This inks has a waxy component, rub it with detergent before you wash it in hot water.Any other ink- you may not be able to get it out. Pretreat it, rinse it out, repeat. If the ink stain is fading, wash it in hot water. If the ink stain hasn't budged, consider using bleach.