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I generally use permanent markers for all discolorations, from the smallest droplet to larger spills. So a black marker should do the trick. Best brand is Sharpie. Best wishes.

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Q: How can you get rid of bleach spots on a black t-shirt?
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How do you get rid of pool black spot?

Bleach or Clorox.

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Bleach is not a stain. Bleach eliminated or bleached-out the coloring. Contact a reputable professional carpet cleaner or the carpet manufacturer and ask what dyes can be safely used to disguise the bleached-out spots.

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you can try cleaning the sink out with bleach.

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The black spots left from chicken pox is called post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and will go away on its own in a few weeks to some months. If the spots don't fade, medical treatment such as steroid creams can help to rid them.

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Clorox makes bleach pens you can use and they will come out in seconds!

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You mean blackheads? not sure..There are some face washes for getting rid of them...

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Bleach & water.

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