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find a small object that will fit in where ur keeping it

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Q: How can you give grasshoppers water?
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Related questions

Do grasshoppers drink water?

no, grasshoppers get the moisture from their food

Does the grasshopper lay its eggs in the water?

Grasshoppers do not lay eggs in the water. Instead, grasshoppers will lay eggs in the soil and wait for them to hatch.

Can grasshoppers survive in water?


Do grasshoppers live in water when young?

No - the young of grasshoppers hatch out as smaller versions of the adults, but without wings.

How does grasshoppers live?

it needs food and water

Do grass hopper need water?

Yes, they do!

Do grasshoppers eat coffee trees?

yes grasshoppers do eat coffee leaves.They eat any plant or flower you give them except if the leaves you give them are poisonous anyways they can smell the poison

What is a grasshoppers rectum for?

The function of a grasshoppers rectum is for storage and later contents are expelled or released. A grasshopper is a none stop eater.

How long do grasshoppers last without water?

on an average 20 days

Is hamster a plant eater?

Yes,they are but they are omnivores they eat vegetables and meat you can give them grasshoppers only from the pet store same a meal worms but the grasshoppers well I recommend freeze dried grasshoppers but some hamsters might get scared of the meal worms or the grasshoppers you can get meal worms dead or alive. I say when I get a hamster or anyone does and they like or dislike meal worms and the meal worms are alive i say do they give mercy or no mercy.

Grasshoppers conserve water by excreting nitrogenous wastes in the form of what?

Uric acid

Grasshoppers conserve water by excreting nitrogenous wastes in the form of?

uric acid