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Q: How can you greet a person for the first time?
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Related questions

What does to meet someone mean?

To go and see them in person. To become acquainted with. To meet. acquainted - meet and greet for the first time.

What does it mean to meet someone?

To go and see them in person. To become acquainted with. To meet. acquainted - meet and greet for the first time.

Do you wait for the guest to greet you or do you greet the guest first?

You greet the guest first.

How do the India greet someone for the first time?

They say "namaste"

What does it mean to be a great person?

Ive heard of greet but not great.To greet a person is to show your hellos and welcomes to someone; for example; Hi thank you for taking the time to sit down with me and speak about your child's grades.

How do moroccans greet people?

They don't just greet the person they are talking to, they also greet, or ask how their whole line of family is.

Who was the first to greet Anne on her birthday?

Diana Barry was the first to greet Anne on her birthday.

When do you say shabbat shalom on sabbath?

Any time you see another Jewish person on the sabbath, and you want to greet them.

Who was the first person to greet Prophet Muhammad with assalamu alaikum?

the person who came to another house.and when salam with another person

When do you use the word hello?

You would use the word hello or hi when you greet someone for the first time on a day.

What is the job description for a hosties?

A hostess is the person who greets people when they first walk into a restaurant. The job description is to greet customers and seat them.

How can you talk to Nick Jonas in person?

meet and greet