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Q: How can you inhale latex from balloons?
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DO balloons have latex in them?

Yes, balloons are made of latex. Correction: Most balloons contain latex. However, some do not as some people are allergic to latex.

Does water balloons hold more air than latex balloons?

yes,Water balloons hold more then latex

Do Mylar balloons have latex in them?

No, Mylar balloons do not contain latex. They are made of a metallic polyester film called BoPET (biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate), which is different from the latex used in traditional rubber balloons.

Do latex balloons expand in heat?


What wears away latex balloons?

Petroleum products such as Vaseline break down latex.

What chemical element is used in weather balloons?

Meteorological balloons are made from natural latex rubber, mostly in Japan.

How do latex balloons break down in the environment?

they don't

Where are balloons made from?

Modern balloons we see today at parties are usually made out of rubber, latex, or polychloroprene.

What type of rubber are water balloons made of?

Generally latex.

What ingredients are in a balloon?

A balloon is typically made from latex, which is a type of rubber. The latex is usually mixed with additives such as accelerators, antioxidants, and pigments to give the balloon its desired properties such as elasticity, color, and durability.

Are latex balloons safe to release?

it is different from outside and inside so they have different answers

Are latex balloons dangerous for a 6 year old's party?

Latex balloons are typically safe for use with children of that age, as they will be old enough to know not to attemt to eat them. Since none of the children are allergic, there is no danger of an alergic reaction either.